ISSS2016 60th conference University of Colorado Boulder, Engineering Mathematics

2016 July 23 0 By Tomas 黃炎


ISSS 2016
Health and System Thinking SIG

1. Workshop

Sunday: July 24, 2016 – Pre-Conference Workshops
10:00 – 12:30 Pre-conference Workshops ECCR 1B51
1. Systems Basics in Understanding System Wholeness “Reuniting Nature and Humanity”: The Oriental Systems Thinking in the teaching of Buddha. 系統論基礎工作坊之一:佛學的東方系統思維 – 以天人合一理解系統完整性 #2865

Sunday: July 24, 2016 – Pre-Conference Workshops
14:00 – 17:00 Pre-conference Workshops ECCR 1B51
2. Systems Basics in Understanding System Wholeness “Reuniting Nature and Humanity”: The Oriental Systems Thinking in Traditional Chinese Medicine 系統論基礎工作坊之二:中醫藥學的東方系統思維 – 以天人合一理解系統完整性 #2866

Wednesday July 27, 2016
13:30 – 15:00 Engineering Room ECCR265
3. Workshop #2905 Day I, III: Topic(s) 2,6
System Wholeness and Unity In Diversity within ISSS

2. Paper

Tuesday: July 26, 2016
15:30 – 17:00 Engineering Room ECCR265
SIG Chairing: Health and System Thinking
Five elements systemic healthcare program for physically strong emotionally happy mentally kind behaviorally charitable and spiritually enlightened – Reuniting Nature and Humanity 五行養生法之修身健康、修心受樂、慈悲養性、修行為善、正見靈修、以體現天人合一。

3. Posters: Everyday Engineering Lobby
1. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: Physical Healthcare 健康與系統思維特別融合小組:修身健康#2867

2. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: Spiritual Healthcare健康與系統思維特別融合小組:正見靈修#2868

3. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: THE QUEST FOR A GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PERSPECTIVE – “Unity in Diversity as a natural principle”健康與系統思維特別融合小組:尋找適用於任何一個觀點的廣義系統論 – 以多元性合一作為自然法則 #2869

If you have missed any of the above session, please come and contact me for a personal discussion. ^o^

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology
Bachelor from Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Master of Engineering in Telecommunication

Interest: Traditional Chinese Medicine Engineering, General System Theory, Ancient Chinese and India system theory, Confucianism five virtues system, Buddha’s five aggregates human mind system, Buddha’s Eight-fold noble path meditation methodology, Taoism Taichi Yin-Yang System theory, Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis-Cure process, Health and system thinking, Healthcare Protection Program, TCM diet therapy, Middle-way exercise therapy, 24h lifestyle therapy, TCM clinical research, pain therapy, Spirituality and Systems, Vipassana mental healthcare mind mastering methodology, VSM, Art of Science, Art of Living, Art of Dying, Heaven and Hell, Nibbana(Null), happiness and harmony, Taichi organizational force, entropy, second law of thermodynamics..



發自 from 黃炎 E C