You have to be good to be lucky 機會是留給有準備的人 Chance favors only the prepared mind
2020 December 04 0 By Tomas 黃炎自古有”懷才不遇“之”人生不如意事十常八九“,以陰為才幹,陽為機遇,通過”陽陰陽系統思維“給現代人的啓示。 Yin-Yang Systems Thinking
Yang 陽:Chance 遇、機會、運 | |||
陰陽系統思維 Yin-Yang Systems Thinking |
無 None | 有 Acquired | |
Yin 陰:才、 | 有 Acquired | 懷才不遇 反躬自省 keep it up |
懷才得遇 chance favors only the prepared mind機會是留給 有準備的人 |
準備 Prepared、命 | 無 None | 無才不遇 一生潦倒 misery |
無才得遇 白白錯過 missed |
機會永遠留給準備好的人 – 微生物學之父巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,1822~1895)。
Dans les champs de l’observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés. Louis Pasteur, pioneer of the Germ Theory of Disease, said “In the fields of observation chance favors only the prepared mind.” (Opportunity favors the prepared mind.)
- 張儀,魏國人
- 才:鬼谷子徒弟、三寸不爛之舌、「連橫」策略
- 不遇:窮困潦倒、被打半死、
- 得遇:以「連橫」策略遊走各國,幫助秦國統一天下。
- 蘇秦
- 才:鬼谷子徒弟、故里勤學、「懸樑刺股」、研究國際現勢
- 不遇:淒涼境遇
- 得遇:以「合縱」的策略,到各國遊說,同樣開創一番大業。
- —》沮喪?怨尤?憤怒?
- —》眺望未來的視野!反躬自省!培育與眾不同的能力!正面!積極!打拚!反省!充實不足之處!拿出勇氣!行動!
About The Author
| Research Engineer, Health Educator. 研發工程師,養生教育工作者. | |-Bachelor of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine – General Practice and TCM R&D |-Master of Engineering in Telecommunications – A Packet discarding strategy in Asynchronous transfer Mode ATM data network – Queuing theory |-Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology with First class honour - AI Machine Learning in electrical fault diagnostic networks |-Thesis Proposal for potential supervisor in Mathematics: Ethical AI Systems - Harmonizing Autonomy and Communal Responsibility | ===== Research Interest ===== | |Confucianism – Buddhism – Taoism – Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 儒釋道醫 | Five Virtues of Confucius: Humanity-Justice-Etiquette-Wisdom-Trust 儒家五常:仁義禮智信 | Buddhism Five aggregates systems of human mind 釋j家五蘊系統 | Taoism Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity i±1 System 道家陰陽五行天地人系統 | Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM differential diagnosis-cure process 中醫辨證論治系統, | Five Elements Systemic Healthcare Mental-Emotional-Physical-Behavoural-Spiritual 五行健康系統養生-養性-修心-修身-修行-靈修 | Integral East-West Systems Thinking 融合東西方系統思維 | Ethical AI Systems 倫理人工智能系統 | Five-elements Society System EMSCE 五行社會系統: Economics-Management-Social-Cultural-Environmental 經濟-管理-社會-文化-環境, | |